Tuesday 27 October 2009


I bought the book Eclipse at play.com and have been waiting for two long weeks. Finally it's here! I am going to enter the world of vampires and love again. I will be reading all the time now, so see you later Homework.
I agree that the Twilight thing is a bit overrated. I actually like the books, I don't like them just because Robert Pattinson is hot (even though I think he is). If you have only seen the movie, trust me, he is even cooler in the books.

Song: The Beatles - Nowhere Man


  1. .. ellers så har de den boka på notabene på Dombås ;) de hadde ihvertfall før :)
    Ooog du kom ikke å sa hei på utdanningsmessa i dag heller! Dårlig gjort.. :(


put a smile upon your face..