Monday 30 November 2009

ngh.. <3

It's your life, don't you let 'em tell you when to bat your eyes

This is in my room. It is as messy as it looks, but it defines me I guess. Now you know that I am a pirate princess who likes Pikachu, has records on her wall and wears masks.
Notice the note over the mirror. It says I NEED A HUG, which I often do. I had it pinned to my backpack for a week, and I only got one hug. It was from my mother..

Song: Kings of Leon - Wasted Time

Today I twined my hair.

And I made cocoa from After Eight chocolate. It was really good and it satisfied my mint craving. After my test in mathematics, I felt I deserved it.

Sunday 29 November 2009


I am suddenly obsessed with mint. I just ate all of my mint sweets, 'cause I really can't control myself around candy. Now there is no mint candy left and we are out of mint tea. This makes me sad.

photographs: <3

Velvet snow

I walked out and realized it had been snowing, I ran and then I fell.

 I quickly got to my feet and started throwing snow in the air. It was fun.

Then I got snow in my eyes, and I was a  bit cranky.
(I easily get cranky, but it never lasts long. And, yes, I do use the word cranky on a daily basis, even though I speak Norwegian.)

So how was your sunday morning?

So this night belongs to you, I know this isn't through. Are you dead to love?

studying for my term-test in mathematics

eating mint sweets until i nearly throw up

buying presents

Outside it is freezing and today it snowed. Oh yeah, Christmas is coming.
Equals - happy me!

song: Katatonia - July
(I lovelovelove that song. Thanks, sister!)

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Look at the stars

.. look how they shine for you and everything that you do.

I just found a picture of the tattoo that I want. I've been dreaming of it a while. And actually, my sister and I are planning on both getting it. Yay. It's not the exact same spot as the one I'm imagining, but almost.
Isn't it gorgeous?

photograph: <3

Saturday 21 November 2009

I need a place to hide before the storm begins

I consider White Lies as one of the best bands I know.
For sure.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

I have a life

Well not exactly, so I don't have anything to blog about know. I'm just giving you a short update, so you know I'm alive.
- I finally started doing my homework
- My grades are getting better
- I have started watching Vampire Diaries
- I drink a lot of tea
- I'm discovering pretty blogs
- I will start photographing more
- Today I wore blue tights, just 'cause it is nice

Because wordboner is awesome.

Song: Red Cortez - Fell On The Floor

Sunday 15 November 2009

God hates fangs

I was debating with myself whether to blog about vampires or not. I guess my sister hates me now, but I can live with that.

This vampire hysteria has hit us. It has been around for a while, I know, but finally it hit Norway too. I guess you all have heard about Twilight, True Blood, Vampire Diaries etc. Well, I can't come up with that many examples, but it is the, as I said, hysteria. I hate the fact that it is popular and cool to like vampires. The reason? I don't like sharing.
I actually don't like admitting this, but I have become one of the rest. This is an extreme case of what often happens: I think I'm the only who likes something, and then it turns out that I'm absolutely not. I do feel I was a little bit ahead of my classmates, but that doesn't help.. Can all of you stop liking vampires, thank you very much?
Sorry, I do not intend to be mean to you other fangbangers..

So today I have been watching, I think it was 4, episodes of True Blood. I think it was time well spent! I have to mention (since I'm a teenage girl I do care) that Eric is hot.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Thursday 12 November 2009


Adorable, right?

I have a crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He must be the cutest guy I've seen. He even looks like Heath Ledger, and that's... wow. I should probably have told you before, but I have a major crush on Heath Ledger. I even cried when I heard about his death. Anyway, Joseph is so adorable, especially in 500 Hundred Days of Summer. That movie is highly recommended. Watch it!

I must make one thing clear. When I say I have a crush, it is not just because the person is good-looking, which they often are(hihi). I also like the people for what they do, their music or their acting. 'Cause you might have noticed, it is mostly musicians and actors.

Song: The Smashing Pumpkins - Window Paine

I'll never know if I go to sleep

I give up..

The flowers you gave me are rotting,

and still I refuse to throw them away

Some of the bulbs never opened quite fully

They might so I'm waiting and staying awake

Things I have loved, I'm allowed to keep

I'll never know if I go to sleep

song: Regina Spektor - The Flowers

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Maybe lost in illusions

This is how I feel.
I just want to dance. Suddenly I am filled with energy. I am sure it's because I am listening to Plastiscines. They make me want to dance. Which is rather stupid now, since I should be sleeping soon..

Where I was
I don't know
Maybe lost in illusions

song: Plastiscines - Lost in Translation

I want vampire teeth


photographs: <3

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Fuck the itinerary

I am watching The Darjeeling Limited.
It's funny. You should watch it.
And Adrien Brody is in it. <3

Words of love

I have a new favourite word, mackintosh!
It just sounds really cool.

photograph: <3

Monday 9 November 2009

Show me how you do that trick

Now I really want a piercing. Really!

Either in the bellybutton
(by the way, I love the word bellybutton)

or in the nose or lip.

Gosh. It is so awesome.
I want. I want. I want!

Photographs: <3

Song: The Cure - Just Like Heaven

Friday 6 November 2009

You are your own worst enemy

I was bored, so I took the camera and had a little photoshoot with myself. I took many photographs, but I won't post them all now. Maybe you'll get to see them later. Most likely.

photographs: me
I now they're kinda suckish.. 

song: Green Day - Restless Heart Syndrome