Sunday 15 November 2009

God hates fangs

I was debating with myself whether to blog about vampires or not. I guess my sister hates me now, but I can live with that.

This vampire hysteria has hit us. It has been around for a while, I know, but finally it hit Norway too. I guess you all have heard about Twilight, True Blood, Vampire Diaries etc. Well, I can't come up with that many examples, but it is the, as I said, hysteria. I hate the fact that it is popular and cool to like vampires. The reason? I don't like sharing.
I actually don't like admitting this, but I have become one of the rest. This is an extreme case of what often happens: I think I'm the only who likes something, and then it turns out that I'm absolutely not. I do feel I was a little bit ahead of my classmates, but that doesn't help.. Can all of you stop liking vampires, thank you very much?
Sorry, I do not intend to be mean to you other fangbangers..

So today I have been watching, I think it was 4, episodes of True Blood. I think it was time well spent! I have to mention (since I'm a teenage girl I do care) that Eric is hot.

1 comment:

  1. OMg you have finally seen reason!!! TRUUEEE BLOOD IS TRUUEEE LOVEEEE.

    Savner deg som bare faen <3

    Hihiiihhhh Eric Northman <33


put a smile upon your face..