Thursday 29 December 2011

Hold your breath and count to ten, fall apart, start again

Sometimes the best thing to do is simply saying "fuck it!"

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Woob wooob

When you are home hanging out in your old room alone and you find candy. You get hyper and pass the time with tetris and sorting all our cds. Superfun!
I really don't know why I am often referring to myself in second person. Probably because I don't like writing about myself. Sorry.

And also I am sorry for the fact that my posts are usually super depressive. You probably just think I'm a whiny teenager, and well... I am not gonna argue with that. Let's just hope I will get over it. I have a little self-irony, so I know that most of my depressive thoughts are useless and self inflicted. But bear with me, because this is in fact the reason for my blog. I need to express myself in some way, especially when I am depressed.

But now, I am not derpessed. Just saying, haha. There's dubstep in my speakers and mom has made ice cream with rum. AWYEAH!

Tuesday 27 December 2011


When she was just a girl,
She expected the world,
But it flew away from her reach,
So she ran away in her sleep

Tuesday 20 December 2011

We are all slowly dying

I keep thinking it will end. Because everything does.
It hurts so bad, and I don't want it to be like this.

Monday 19 December 2011

Cough Syrup

If I could find a way to see this straight
I’d run away
To some fortune that I should have found by now

Please, let me be in a good mood tomorrow. I don't have time for all my thoughts.

Life's too short to even care at all

I'm so tired. But I'm thinking it must all be worth it in the end. Please say I'm right..

Sunday 18 December 2011

Go Outside

I usually don't let myself get too exited, because I know there will be a downfall. I am always too busy thinking about what is going to happen next.

I hate change.. Can I be fifteen again?

Thursday 15 December 2011

That's all I have to say

Had a big argument with my social science teacher today. Almost the whole class criticized him for not doing a good enough job. And then he almost cried. Actually, I don't give a fuck, because he is honestly the worst teacher I have ever had.

By the way, the lamp is fixed. I didn't do it. heheh

Welcome to the jungle

I asked her where she wanna be when she 25
She turned around and looked at me and said “alive”

Yeah, I listen to Jay-Z and Kanye West. I am such a hardcore nigga, yo.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

I didn't want this

So the world is spinning faster. Are you dizzy when you're stoned
Let the music be your master. Will you heed the master's call
Oh... Satan and man.

Said there ain't no use in crying. Cause it will only, only drive you mad
Does it hurt to hear them lying? Was this the only world you had?

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Surviving self resentment

I like to drown myself with metal when I don't want to hear my own thougths.

Monday 12 December 2011

"Go to sleep"
"No!" replies the brain

No, I don't procrastinate

There's only a week left of school this year, and it makes me so happy. There's just one thing bothering me right now. The lamp in the bathroom stopped working a week ago. I am partially waiting for my roommates to do something about it, but that seems selfish. Maybe I will fix it tomorrow.

And I think I'm supposed to hand in an essay tomorrow. Hah, fuck this shit. I'll start shooting heroin instead.

Just drank a big cup of coffee, come clarity.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Just so you know I was thinking of you

Hate to be so emotional
I didn't aim to get physical

This is from November 24th

I hurt myself today, because I am stupid and clumsy..
And I don't think anyone will argue with that.

Saturday 10 December 2011


Sometimes you just have to appreciate all the good things in life. But first you must believe in them. That's the hardest part.

Please, come hold my hand.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Now is not a good time

When you fill your head with sick stuff like terrorism and the life of Anders Behring Breivik, and then write an essay about it.. and then you wonder why even bother, because it just makes you sick. Well, now I want to study psychology. So there's that.

Jeez, I am so tired. Need. Sleep. Good night.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

When life is just average and you're bored as fuck, you always have The Beatles.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Det har aldri føltes mere riktig å ta feil

tiden er inne, eg reiser meg opp, sier værsegod
og som du sikkert skjønner,
takk for meg

Wednesday 30 November 2011


All that I see
Show me your ways,
Teach me to meet my desires
With some grace

All that I fear
Don't turn away
And leave me to plead in this hole of a place,
'Cause what if I never break?

Estuary, won't you take me far away?

Sunday 27 November 2011

Those special moments

They make you cry and they make you smile. Just never forget them.

Saturday 26 November 2011


Happiness can be going away to a city you've never seen before, walking through the park and finding the cutest place with hummus and mint lemonade on the menu. And doing all of this with someone who is both a stranger and one of your best friends.

Will you walk with me?

to infinity and beyond.

Friday 25 November 2011


I haven't posted anything in a very long time. But now I really need somewhere to spill my heart out.. We'll see how it goes this time around.


Wednesday 6 April 2011

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Yesterday when I ditched school because of my emo state, my dad came to visit me. He bought me a stuffed horse. For now I call it Lucy, because of the acid-like colouring.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

When alone, the silence is even louder

Sunday evening I felt like my whole world was falling apart.

Monday 14 February 2011

You are my life now

HAHA, Twilight, lol.

But, point is - this guy means, well not the world, but a lot to me.
He is my roommate, and I would die of boredom without him.
Basically.. just thought you wanted to know.

Aw, when he plays gameboy on my bed.

He joins me when I come up with ideas like picnic on the bridge, in about - 15 degrees, to watch the stars. With hot chocolate, ofc. This was one of the best nights this winter.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


People suggested I should start blogging again. I was really flattered when more than three people said it. I feel so important!
Well, give me some time to get back into my zone here.

My life is pretty boring now, but it can look a bit like this:

Cold winter

Brownies, tea, cosmo and my day planner (which I intend to use)

Visiting the best person in the world in Trondheim.

Tonight I have a date with John Olav Nilsen og Gjengen. I might cry, but that is how our relationship works. John Olav sings with his soar voice and amazing lyrics, then I get emotional and cry. I've gotten used to it..

Sunday 16 January 2011

Stuff I did to pass my time while waiting for Skins season 5
- watched the 4 first seasons of Skins again, and again

- watched Misfits <3

- watched The Inbetweeners

Now I need something new to watch. Any tips?
Btw, I almost only use my tumblr atm. It is soo much cooler than blogspot!