Tuesday 31 January 2012

Some die young, but you better hold on

Will you run with the dream or will you run alone
Or will you run against and finally reveal
Why some die young

Thursday 26 January 2012

Sun Hands

I'll endure the night
For the promise of light

I'm doing fine now, and I hope things will only get better from now on. It looks like it.
I'm so glad I am surrounded by awesome people. I love you all. Hope you know that, even though I don't say it often enough.

Sunday 22 January 2012

18 karat gold

And so it choked her words
She don't sleep at night
Afraid to turn out the light
And she's home

Saturday 21 January 2012

Friday 20 January 2012

Dear sister

It seems I'm lost when what I felt
Dear sister, speak to me
I thought I found my peace somehow
Guess I fell in love with a state of mind

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Hjerte av stein, men hjertet e reint
Uansett om eg har rætt eller galt

Som i en siste dans
Dine hender rundt mine

John Olav og Lars Vaular

Monday 16 January 2012

Saturday 14 January 2012

I don't want to battle from beginning to end

Right now my life is actually pretty great. At least on the outside.
Inside my head there is all sorts of trouble. I keep thinking about my past to find answers. I know that might be a bad idea, but I am in this process of finding out what the hell is wrong with me. I can't decide if it will do me any good at all. I guess I will find out eventually.
I am just sick of not knowing, I guess.

So yeah.. this is my whiny teenager life. Welcome people..

(Don't take me too seriously though. Things aren't always as bad as I make it seem..)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Monday 9 January 2012


du e redd førr at æ dør
men æ har vært her før
og tankan mine
går i ring
ingen verdens ting har skjedd
så æ går her og e redd
mens livet blir til

ka kan egentlig skje
livet e en klisjé
og nøye som du e
kor fornøyd e du med det
si det du vil si
syng din elegi
så kanskje du kan bli


Friday 6 January 2012

Om du tør

Det gjør så ondt, men føles så riktig

smerte er berre midlertidig, hopp i det.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Mitt liv e styrt av frykt, men æ vet å hold rytmen

Hei. Eg har det bra.
Det kiler i magen.
Det verkar som alt går rett veg.
Eg ler. Eg smiler.
Det er kaldt ute, og det kjennest som heime.